Old Werewolf
Harlow, the Werewolf
* Full body - custom fit to the actor
* African American skin - brown complexion
* Thick black hair, especially the mane around the head, dready in areas - thin and sparse in other areas like face, chest, tops of thighs, feet, hands
* Red sclera lenses
* Sharp dentures (preferably Flexacryl gums for actor's comfort)
* Clawed hands
* Raised neck muscles, hunchback in shape.
* Padded dark feet bottoms (won't ever see the feet bottoms except glimpses in long shots)
Scroll down for video - vimeo password is: blackwolf
* The transformation takes hold. Harlow’s eyes flash open, red and fiery.
* Crying out in pain, he opens his mouth to reveal his teeth being pushed out from the bloody gums, sharp teeth replacing them.
* His fingernails push out from his fingers, replaced by long talons.
* His spine juts out into a hunched back, as he tears the rest of his clothes off.
*The sounds he makes are inhuman. The crowd watches in shock and disbelief. A few people scream and begin to back away.
* Harlow’s face bubbles and contorts.
* He tears at his chest with his long talons, revealing bloody fur underneath the skin. (In the video sequence below, you can see at 52 seconds when he rips open his chest, the inside of the skin is not painted red and bloody, slightly ruining the effect. Besides that, and the fact that they didn't use enough deadener in the skin, the video is a pretty decent portrayal of what we're going for.)
* He then begins tearing at his bubbling face, pulling off large bloody strips (lots of deadener in the skin so that the ripped strips stretch a whole lot as they tear). The hairy face underneath begins to reveal itself. It’s horrible and wolfish.
* The crowd panics and backs away from the stage. He rips the rest of his face off, exposing the hairy, wet monster within. He yells out in the worst kind of pain imaginable.
* Everyone runs for the door, screaming. Luster watches as his Halloween celebration falls apart in shambles. He slowly backs towards his office to escape the scene.
* Harlow rises to his feet and lets out a ferociously demonic howl. We see his body in full.
* The exit is clogged with a herd of hysterical old people. They trample and claw at each other, trying desperately to leave. Harlow leaps from the stage and begins slashing and clawing anyone in his way (we have a wire stunt team that will help pull off the "leaping" stunt).
* Luster points the gun at the werewolf. The werewolf runs at him, swinging his claws. The gun sounds off, hitting the werewolf in the left hand.
* The werewolf drops to the floor and yells out in pain.
* The bullet hole in the palm of his hand smokes.
* His transformation begins to reverse itself. The hair covering his body retracts back into his skin slowly.
* Harlow’s cries are disturbingly hard to bear. He rolls around on the floor as his body painfully reverts into a half-human form, bubbling and contorting.
* Mid-transformation - his face is still mildly wolfish, with a cleft lip, sharp teeth, and red eyes. The hair covering his body is more sparse and mangy looking.
* Harlow crawls several inches over to the disregarded ritual knife and grabs it with his right hand. His left hand is still smoking and starting to wither up.
* Harlow raises the knife and swings the blade around, slicing off his own infected, smoking hand.
* Harlow rolls over to the bubbling hot pool and shoves his bleeding wrist stump in.
* It sizzles and burns. Harlow screams.
* He then pulls out a freshly cauterized arm stump.
* He hangs his head and lets out an inhuman growl. The sounds of bones reforming under the skin and hair regrowing can be heard.
* Harlow raises his head to reveal that he’s once again the werewolf, fully transformed and more fierce than ever. He rises to his feet and moves in towards Luster for the kill.

Transformation Sequence